Recently I have been exploring charity shops, usually such shops are seen as undesirable (In the UK anyway) with smelly clothes and bric a brac, sometimes a place where you can grab a bargain, even if you are lucky a tennis racket with the sleeve for 70p or a new paperback for 50p!! Seriously this is good for shoppers but really, they should charge more than that!
Anyhow, I wanted to explore and yes, found some gems-
a vintage kati by Laura Phillips (circa 1970's??) navy shirt dress. I'm not sure about the sleeves as they are long and ends aren't nice but sure I can tailor them or roll up.
a long block print skirt, orange, white and black by St Michel (Now M&S), circa 1970 , must be as very 70's
A gorgeous tunic dress, blck with climbing flowers (from Next probably a year old)
Yes of course these aren't brand new but its great finding bargains and helping charities if only I can find a Ulla Johnson scarf from her Autumn 08' collection!
Do go to charity shops, even to nose around, you never know what you may find, I certainly was surprised.
5 years ago